Club Contacts
President – Michael Maguire
Vice President – Michael Crouch
Treasurer –
Secretary – Brad Whyte
Over 35/45 Representative – Derek Smith, Kevin Malcolm
Club Facility Contact – Michael Maguire
Senior Representative – Rachel Campbell
Committee Members – Jodie Porter, Dave Archie
If you would like to contact the club, please email or send a private message via our Facebook page.
Frequently Asked Questions
The player must be turning 5 either at the beginning or during the season that he/she wishes to play.
MFC is not currently running a squirts program.
We love to be able to get kids running around with their mates, and welcome “friend requests” however, please ensure that the friends are born in the same year, rather than attend the same grade at school. To be placed in the same team, they must be born in the same year. Also if a player is wanting to be placed in an existing team from the previous season and there isn’t a place, the friend request cannot be granted.
Unfortunately at the beginning of the season we can’t always answer this question because generally it depends on the availability of the coach and the players within the team and you can’t ascertain that before being placed in a team. It’s a bit of a chicken/egg situation. All of our U6/7 teams train on a Monday evening for about an hour from 5.30pm – the other age groups it really varies quite a lot.
All miniroos games are played on Saturdays, so up until U11 you will definitely play on a Saturday. Once you hit U12 and up, the game days can vary from Saturday and Sunday and very rarely Friday nights.
Our U6 & U7’s play inhouse so do not have to travel. From U8 and up you will be required to travel to other clubs to play their teams. Roughly every 2nd week will be an away game.
Generally the younger age groups will not have to travel too far. Football Brisbane try to create local “hubs”, however this isn’t always achieved purely due to the number of teams etc. As your child gets older, the distance to travel will increase.
You will be required to purchase a pair of club socks ($15) and shorts ($25). It is also essential that players have shin pads and boots and these can be purchased at sport stores. The club will issue a team set of playing jerseys which will be returned to the club at the end of the season.5
All fees must be paid in order for the player to be placed in a team. It is essential that registration fees be paid ASAP from registering, the club will issue a cut-off date each season. In general we do not do payments plans, but we do accept the governments “FairPlay” vouchers.
Very generally speaking, Term 2 and 3 of the school year is when the Winter soccer season runs, although juniors may start slightly earlier depending on when Easter is.
Registration is all done via a centralised “Squadi” website. The link is in the main menu called “Registrations”.
Once you complete the registration process, we will have all of your contact details. Wait to hear from us regarding teams and important dates etc. Junior players will get contacted by their coach to start training, MiniRoos we will let you know when Muster Day/Night will be, which is when you find out your team etc.
Please visit the FAQ page for all the explanations and information for Mooroondu FC.